Weekly Updates from LEFT


LEFT Announcements

*  When everyone comes out tonight to support our Lady Trojans in their game against Benson, please remember to put your recycables in the recycling tub.  Also, remember no food should be put in recycling tubs.  Keep bringing in those old Christmas lights to recycle!

November 15th is National Recycle Day so keep up the great job recycling!  Also, LEFT is once again recycling  used Christmas lights as part of the National Christmas Lights Recycling Campaign so bring your unwanted lights to the school!

80% of all school waste can be recycled, so let's do our part.  Put your recyclables, but not your left-over food, in the recycling containers.  Thank you for your cooperation!

*Now that we're fully in the swing of school, here's a little recycling reminder.  When clearing your tray in the lunchroom put your EMPTY milk cartons, juice containers, paper products, and any other recyclable material in the first container.  This is the light tan container with the blue-gray bag in it.  All food and styrofoam should be thrown away in the garbage can and not in the recycling container.  Thank you for your cooperation!
  *Bring in your unwanted Christmas Lights to be recycled as part of a national campaign to recycle lights.  Lights can be dropped off at the high school office.

*National Recycling Day is November 15th!

LEFT presents in the Ortonville Elementary for National 4H Youth Science Day.  Check out the pictures of the day!

LEFT wil meet during lunch on Thursday, September 30th in Mrs. Moberg's room. 

*LEFT will be attending the annual fall YES! conference on Thursday, September 28th in at the university in Marshall, MN.  
Go Green OHS!