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School Board

2024 School Board Members

Front Row Left to Right:  Nancie Haukos - Clerk, Brett Kaye - Chair, Pete Vangsness - Vice Chair 

Back Row Left to Right:  Lindsey Lee -  Director,  Bryan Bjorgan - Director, Heather Henrich - Treasurer

Ortonville 12-6 Member Chart - Historical


DATE: 3rd Monday of each month

TIME: 5:30 PM

LOCATION: Ortonville School Media Center


Public comment for school board meetings may be submitted as follows: or (320) 839-6181 ext. 407


The purpose of a regular School Board meeting is to allow the Board to conduct school business in an open forum.

The Ortonville Public School Board meets in regular session on the third Monday of every month (except for legal holidays, when the meeting will take place on Tuesday) at 5:30 pm in the Ortonville Public School Media Center.

Regular session agendas are posted on the website three days prior to the scheduled regular meeting or you can request the agenda and board materials directly via email, by calling the District Office at 320-839-6181 x 407. If you would like to be put on the Agenda a request must be made 3 days in advance by contacting the Board Chair or the Superintendent directly at 320-839-6181 x 401.

Public Comment Guidelines

In the interest of open communications, Ortonville Public School District wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the School Board. That opportunity is provided at every regular School Board meeting during Public Comments. Members of the public that wish to address the school board should check in with the Superintendent Assistant prior to the start of the board meeting.


Because the Regular Meeting is designed to allow the Board to conduct the business of the school, members of the public will be recognized only during the Public Comment portion at the beginning of the regular meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak to an item included in the agenda during Public Comments will be acknowledged by the Board Chair. When called upon to speak, please state your name, address and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the Board. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes. Longer time may be granted at the discretion of the Board Chair. All members of the Public who wish to speak will be recognized first before a second turn at speaking will be recognized by the Chair.

If you have written comments, the Board would like to have a copy, which will help them better understand, investigate and respond to your proposal. During Public Comments the Board and administration listen to comments, but may not respond to the public. The Board Chair may respond and may request additional information or research be obtained. If additional research is needed, responses will be shared at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. The Board Chair may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Board members will direct questions to you through the Board Chair.

***Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed first to the building Principal, then to the Superintendent and finally in writing to the Board.